Adopting one animal won’t change the world,
but it will change the world for that one animal

Foster Needed


Shiver (pronounced SHYver) is a Jack Russell Terrier/Beagle mix, about 7 years old and weighs about 30lbs. He is a sweet and happy little guy but can be grumpy and quirky at times. He does well with other dogs but a meet and greet at our location is strongly advised. Shiver’s reaction to children and cats is unknown, and they should meet Shiver at our location also.

WE NEED YOUR HELP because Shiver is diabetic. He requires a special diet 3 times a day and insulin every 12 hours. We are not staffed such that his food and insulin can be given on time. For now, he is boarded at a veterinarian’s office, where they can be punctual with his diet and medication.

AS A FOSTER, there is no adoption fee, and APL will cover all of Shiver’s medication, food, and vet bills. You just need to supply the love and safety.

If you think you can help, give us a call at (803) 783-2119, or better yet, fill out an adoption application for Shiver. Though it is a dog adoption application, we will presume you wish to foster him instead.